Weight Loss

Many people think the best way to lose weight is to diet, drastically dropping calories or types of food in a desperate attempt to shed the pounds. Others think that exercise is the only way to health, so they exercise frantically for a few months before giving up. Imagine how much money Americans spend on diet pills, miracle diets, or even just exercise equipment.

These people mean well, but don't understand the way the human body works. Their attempts may result in temporary gains, but because they just don't understand, they often end up worse off than before.

Diets are a temporary solution to a long-term problem. Let's say someone, after a lifetime of eating poorly, takes a diet. It's a rough diet, since the calories have to be cut sharply, but it's worth it, right? The diet turns out to be fantastically efficient (which would never happen), and that person loses tons of weight. They go back to their old eating habits, since they're 'in good shape'. But within just a few months, their weight starts ballooning upwards again!

Other people try to exercise frantically, either taking up sports they don't care for or joining an exercise class that they'll skip. These people are somewhat better off than the dieters, as exercise is a good start. But what they don't realize is that exercise should be enjoyable - it shouldn't be painful or uncomfortable. This book contains information to help you figure out sports that you might enjoy. Turn exercise from a chore into a joy!

So-called 'diet pills' simply don't work. If there were such a thing as a pill that could help you safely remove excess pounds, they would be prescribed by doctors across the globe.

Break out of the cycle of diets and discomfort. You'll never have to go on another diet! Instead, you'll learn how to eat good food and lose weight - you'll be feeling great, and looking good. By establishing good health habits, losing weight will be like breathing. You won't even know it's happening! So why wait? You can start losing weight today!

Weight Loss

"Before I read your book, I had no idea I was doing all the wrong things! Now I'm steadily losing weight and feeling great! Thanks, guys!" Gabrielle Parker, NE

"I was having a hard time ditching those last holiday pounds. Now I look amazing, and my coworkers are asking me what my secret is. Thanks!" Pat Dale, ND

"I just wanted to thank you guys for the book. My doctor told me to lose weight, but I just couldn't do it until I read the book. Amazing!" Adam Wheldon, AZ

"I never knew how easy it was to lose weight! I've tried all the 'fad' diets, but they never worked. Now I know why they don't work anymore, and I'm telling all my friends to read your book!" Samantha Quigley, FL

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What is the Difference Between Dieting and Cleansing?

n this short message I will reveal the primary differences between dieting & cleansing -- and determine which will get you to your weight loss goal more quickly and which is better for your health.

This is how most diets go for the average American -- let's call him Joe...
Plan A: cut calories and increase activity. Ok, that sounds simple enough. After about a week or two, Joe will decide the one or two pound weight loss per week is not worth the hunger pangs, sweets cravings and grueling excursions at the gym.

Plan B follows, shortly after Joe person gets an invitation to his high school reunion and his ex-girlfriend's wedding reception. Plan B consist of salad, veggies, and more salad until he starts dreaming of cheeseburgers in the middle of his work day. Plan B usually lasts less than 24 hours -- followed by a guilt ridden, but jittery wait in the nearest fast food drive through.

Plan F: this is when Joe finally decides, "This is just how my body is supposed to look, and I'm tired of feeling guilty each time I eat a Twinkie. I'm never going to look like Brad Pitt!"

The problem with diets, and where they fall far short of nutritional cleansing, is in the following three areas: rapid weight loss, reduced/eliminated unhealthy cravings, and long term results.

Lets go over each of these in detail...

How does cleansing help you loose weight rapidly?

Believe it or not, cleansing is not actually designed to help you lose weight, but to assist the body in its overwhelming task of flushing impurities from your system. Your body actually produces fat to encapsulate impurities (toxic air, water and foods) that enter your body. Nutritional cleansing leeches those toxins from your cells and then, as a side benefit (and a very nice one, I will say) your body will let all that extra fat melt away quickly. When done correctly, you can expect to lose 5-10 pounds in your first 10 days of a good cleanse.

How does cleansing reduce cravings?

A healthy body craves healthy foods -- that is all there is to it. When you flush impurities from your system and flood your cells with intense nutrition, you won't crave junk food. Most junk food cravings are a sign that you desperately need a certain mineral in your diet. For example, when you are craving salty foods, like potato chips, you are most likely low on sodium or chlorine. A good nutritional cleanse will flood your cells with every vitamin and mineral it needs -- resulting in less or no cravings for junk.

How does cleansing help me lose weight long term?

When impurities enter your system, your body produces fat to coat these toxins. When you diet, you lose body mass, but you still have the same amount of impurities in your system. The effect -- your body senses increased levels of toxicity and goes into emergency fat production -- this is more commonly known as the REBOUND! This is why most diets help you lose weight, but almost inevitably, you gain the weight back, and then some.

When you choose to lose weight using a nutritional cleansing, your body sheds impurities which stimulates your body to release fat. There is no rebound with cleansing since the impurities are flushed from your system and your body doesn't need to produce excess fat.

Here are the facts: cleansing will improve your health and reduce your waistline more quickly than a traditional diet. Weight loss can be a frustrating experience, so take the guess-work and "hoping for results" out of it and start a nutritional cleanse today. You are guaranteed more health and less flab. Good luck with the natural weight loss!

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What is the Difference Between Dieting and Cleansing?

n this short message I will reveal the primary differences between dieting & cleansing -- and determine which will get you to your weight loss goal more quickly and which is better for your health.

This is how most diets go for the average American -- let's call him Joe...
Plan A: cut calories and increase activity. Ok, that sounds simple enough. After about a week or two, Joe will decide the one or two pound weight loss per week is not worth the hunger pangs, sweets cravings and grueling excursions at the gym.

Plan B follows, shortly after Joe person gets an invitation to his high school reunion and his ex-girlfriend's wedding reception. Plan B consist of salad, veggies, and more salad until he starts dreaming of cheeseburgers in the middle of his work day. Plan B usually lasts less than 24 hours -- followed by a guilt ridden, but jittery wait in the nearest fast food drive through.

Plan F: this is when Joe finally decides, "This is just how my body is supposed to look, and I'm tired of feeling guilty each time I eat a Twinkie. I'm never going to look like Brad Pitt!"

The problem with diets, and where they fall far short of nutritional cleansing, is in the following three areas: rapid weight loss, reduced/eliminated unhealthy cravings, and long term results.

Lets go over each of these in detail...

How does cleansing help you loose weight rapidly?

Believe it or not, cleansing is not actually designed to help you lose weight, but to assist the body in its overwhelming task of flushing impurities from your system. Your body actually produces fat to encapsulate impurities (toxic air, water and foods) that enter your body. Nutritional cleansing leeches those toxins from your cells and then, as a side benefit (and a very nice one, I will say) your body will let all that extra fat melt away quickly. When done correctly, you can expect to lose 5-10 pounds in your first 10 days of a good cleanse.

How does cleansing reduce cravings?

A healthy body craves healthy foods -- that is all there is to it. When you flush impurities from your system and flood your cells with intense nutrition, you won't crave junk food. Most junk food cravings are a sign that you desperately need a certain mineral in your diet. For example, when you are craving salty foods, like potato chips, you are most likely low on sodium or chlorine. A good nutritional cleanse will flood your cells with every vitamin and mineral it needs -- resulting in less or no cravings for junk.

How does cleansing help me lose weight long term?

When impurities enter your system, your body produces fat to coat these toxins. When you diet, you lose body mass, but you still have the same amount of impurities in your system. The effect -- your body senses increased levels of toxicity and goes into emergency fat production -- this is more commonly known as the REBOUND! This is why most diets help you lose weight, but almost inevitably, you gain the weight back, and then some.

When you choose to lose weight using a nutritional cleansing, your body sheds impurities which stimulates your body to release fat. There is no rebound with cleansing since the impurities are flushed from your system and your body doesn't need to produce excess fat.

Here are the facts: cleansing will improve your health and reduce your waistline more quickly than a traditional diet. Weight loss can be a frustrating experience, so take the guess-work and "hoping for results" out of it and start a nutritional cleanse today. You are guaranteed more health and less flab. Good luck with the natural weight loss!

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Hoodia Diet Pills Help Boost Calorie Burning Power

Obesity is a growing epidemic in the United States. With people more sedentary than ever, and food that tastes better than ever, it is no wonder that Americans are gain weight faster than some thought possible. Some adults in the United States will even sit for hours a day watching talk shows about how to lose weight as opposed to getting off the couch and doing something about the problem. Many people don't realize that supplements like hoodia diet pills can help with this problem.
At present the million dollar question is how a person can lose weight easily. There are shows discussing for long hours about this problem and informing about various diet supplements. People are listening more to hoodia, which Oprah spoke about on her show. There are a few people who have called hoodia as the oprah diet pill.

In the end, losing weight is all about caloric intake versus caloric burn. If you inject fewer calories than you burn, you will inevitably lose weight. Getting rid of all fats, sugars, carbohydrates, and other "bad stuff" is something lots of people try, but it's all about the caloric equation. But is there a way to increase the caloric burn without more physical activity? Yes. Three words: hoodia diet pills.

These diet pills will not only help curb your appetite, but will also speed up your metabolism. This makes your body burn calories faster. As long as you are taking in less calories than your body is burning, you will lose weight. You can boost the number of calories you burn by adding a bit more physical activity than normal into your day.

Add hoodia diet pills to your healthy, balanced diet and exercise program and you will lose weight quickly and with ease. Adding more activity into your daily routine doesn't have to mean hours at the gym. You can make simple lifestyle changes such as taking extra trips up and down the stairs, folding laundry while standing, or leaving the car behind and instead walking to your neighborhood store.

You can pay a lot of money, even over a hundred dollars, for weight loss supplements. When you try hoodia you will be happy to find out that it works and does not cost that much. Hoodia is one of the best diet pills available. You will be pleased with the results.

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weight loss - Are Obese People Happier Than Thinner Ones?

Society often paints the picture of the happy, jolly overweight person but is thisa true picture? Evidence is emerging that people who are obese suffer from depression more often than their thinner counterparts.

A study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry showed that obese people suffer from anxiety and depression 25% more than those of normal weight, although, interestingly enough, they were also 25% less likely to abuse drugs or alcohol than those of lesser weight.

If obesity is associated with depression, what causes the obese individual to be depressed? The logical conclusion might be that they're depressed over society's reaction to their obesity. In other words, the reality of being overweight causes the depression. On the other hand, could obesity and depression be caused by some mysterious biochemical pathway that gives rise to both conditions? This may be a real possibility. There's evidence to suggest that obesity and depression may be related in a true physiological sense.
The portions of the brain that control obesity are located in the area of the brain that regulates the interaction between the hypothalamus and pituitary. The pituitary gland receives direction from the hypothalamus with regard to how much of certain types of hormones to produce. The pituitary gland under the direction of the hypothalamus is responsible for producing the "stress hormone" known as cortisol which is also correlated with causing abdominal obesity. Thus high levels of cortisol could cause both obesity and, possibly, symptoms of depression and other mood changes.

One study perform in mice showed that there are certain mice that lack the genetic capability of producing leptin, a hormone produced by fat cells that's known to suppress appetite. When scientists looked closer at this gene, known as "ob", they found that slight variations in the gene structure produced mood changes in the mice ranging from depression to anxiety. It's thought that this gene may not only have an effect on appetite and food intake but also on mood.

On the other hand, it's a known that a negative body image can be linked to a poor self esteem and even frank symptoms of depression. Plus, persons who suffer from obesity often have other health problems which may contribute to their depressive symptoms. Other experts have suggested that the obese person's constant attempts at dieting may bring on the depression they frequently experience.

Could obesity and depression be the product of the same biological pathways? Only time and further research will answer this intriguing question.

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