How To Motivate Yourself To Lose Weight
If you are obese, chances are you are not happy about your obesity even though you do your best to pretend otherwise. It is never too late to lose weight and the only thing that holds you back is laziness. Remember, this is something nobody can do for you, so GET UP AND LETS GO TO WORK, OK? Losing weight is difficult in the beginning but very soon it becomes routine and then the pounds start to drop if you stick with your plan. Many people make losing weight their New Year's resolution and many do take steps towards achieving that. Gym memberships go up as well as the sale of exercise equipment. Unfortunately too many give up before they reach their goals when they don't see quick results. This article describes a few simple things you can do to stay motivated.
How Do You Stay Motivated?
Be specific on what you want to achieve when you set your goals. Instead of saying you want to lose some weight, have a specific number of pounds in mind and a timetable to achieve it. Picture yourself how you will look like after reaching that desired weight.
If you develop a strategy and stick to it very soon it becomes routine. Your plan should involve both dieting and exercise and not either of the two.
Go through your closet and throw away your baggy pants and those granny dresses if you are a woman. Buy a few sexy clothes and picture yourself in them. Not having enough clothes to wear will motivate you to work harder so you can wear your sexy clothes.
If at all possible find someone in the same situation to work with or a group of equal minded people so you can monitor, motivate and encourage one another. That is definitely better than doing it alone.
Set a reasonable timetable to achieve your goal. It took years to pack on those pounds so it would be unreasonable to expect to drop those pounds in a matter of months.
If you are overweight chances are your diet and lifestyle are the culprits. Genetics do play a role as well with some people. You cannot do much about genetics but you can do plenty about your diet and lifestyle. So start eating healthy by cooking your own meals from scratch with fresh ingredients, lots of green vegetables and fruits and avoid fatty foods, processed and junk foods.
These days physical activity is the exception rather than the rule, both at home and on the job. We drive everywhere, where people once walked. One flip of a switch and we get machines to do the lifting, hauling, pushing, pulling, washing and what have you.
The bottom line is that in order to stay motivated entails a lot of hard work, but if it is going to be it is up to you only. Nobody can do it for you and neither can any machine, so stay motivated and don't give up.
The market misinforms the public of all the benefits that can be expected from their so called revolutionary products when in fact these products will not give any revolutionary results until you find a way to burn the stored fat already in your body through actual workouts.