Increase Your Metabolism with the Negative Calorie Diet

Many people are surprised to learn that they can lose weight simply by eating certain types of foods. How is this possible, you ask? Everyone knows that if you burn more calories then you take in you will burn excess body fat. The problem is most people go about this the wrong way by cutting to many calories only to find out that their metabolism begins to slow down because of the lack of caloric energy.
One of the best ways to increase your metabolism is by eating a negative calorie diet that consists of healthy foods. Look at it this way, the more nutritious the food you eat the better off your body will be. Kind of like your mom used to tell you when you tried to hide those peas in your napkin.

The Negative Calorie Diet works because it uses your body's metabolism to burn all that excess body fat you've been trying to get rid of. If you understand how the body digests and processes food and the types of calories those foods provide you'll begin to see why this type of diet works so well.

Everyday your body needs a certain number of calories to function all the way down to the cellular level. If you don't get enough calories during the day your metabolism will actually begin to slow down as your body begins to conserve the energy it needs to function properly. If you have enough of a calorie deficit your body will begin to hold onto its fat stores as it cannibalizes its own muscle tissue to supply the energy it needs. This is the worst thing that can happen if you are trying to lose weight.

So what is a negative calorie food and how does it work?

It's not a food that has a negative amount of calories because all foods have calories; there is just no way around that fact. What is known is that thee are many foods that actually cause a caloric deficit because of the amount of energy it takes to the body to digest and process these foods. It takes more energy to digest a nutrient rich food then food itself contains.

Here's a simplistic snapshot of how this works. Let's say you eat a piece of chocolate cake that comes in around 300 calories. Your body uses up 125 calories digesting that piece of cake leaving 175 calories that for the most part is stored as fat. Now let's see what happen when you eat an apple that has 35 calories. If it takes your body 70 calories to digest that apple you've just burned an extra 35 calories simply by eating.

By increasing your metabolism you burn extra calories which results in a loss of bodily fat. One way to bring about that metabolism boost is by eating a negative calorie diet consisting of healthy food choices and by making the necessary lifestyle changes needed to live a long and healthy life.